Mr. Jones is in Hobart today. If he were here, he would be writing a 'Do You Know" in his own inimitable way, very likely patting someone on the back in the process. In his absence this seems to be a good opportunity to turn the tables on him.
At Warrnambool Rotary last week, the Guest Speaker was Chief Commissioner of Police, Mr. Arnold. He spoke on the problem of youth, as he sees them. Everyone gave him great attention. He put the story over very well, and he seems to be a fair dinkum sort of a guy. He certainly has had wonderful experience with the young many years ago, and this present time also.
In the course of his remarks, he mentioned Probationary Officers, and he said that Warrnambool was fortunate to have had a probationary officer who, in his thoughts, was the best one ever - and that was Rotarian Fletcher Jones!
He said that no one would know the number of people who were helped so much, in such an understanding way. This is only one aspect of Mr. Jones's service to the community; about which very little is generally known and we are very proud to record these remarks by a man who, as Chief Police Officer in Victoria, can speak with the highest authority.
Staff Bulletin or Do You Know 24.9.1964.