Many new employees have asked about the 'Junior Board' and are wondering what it is all about.
It has always been one of FJ's ideals that people should be given a share in managing the organisation in which they work. The Junior Board is the practical application of this principle of "management by consultation."
The Junior Board provides valuable assistance to management in the solution of problems and in the formulation of policies.
Some of the main aims of the Junior Board have always been:
to help produce a better and better garment; to the give the public "more and more for less and less"; to help the Company fulfill part of its obligation to the community, particularly the aged; to concentrate on helping management make Pleasant Hill a happier place in which to work.
Do You Know, FJ daily Staff Bulletin - 1970. Loaned by Doug Maloney and Rhyll Tonkin - Rhyll's father Eric wrote many of the Do You Knows.