My mum and dad both worked at Fletcher's and I spent my childhood going to the FJ Christmas parties. My mum had long retired to raise us 6 kids and then, when my dad died, my dad's boss Archie Ewing came and saw mum. Anyway with me not likely to become a Rhodes scholar, he offered me an apprenticeship. It led to a great part of my life, putting a roof over my head and meeting great people. Peter McArdle
FJ's was a place like no other. Friendships formed forever, marriages, babies, and memories - that's the best thing - the memories. Let's make sure we keep those memories alive. Sharon Densely
My first day was very frightening. I felt so lost, so many workers all knowing the ropes, all going so fast. I was told by the worker next to me "when the siren goes for morning tea break, have your finger on the switch ready to switch your machine off - and rush to get in the queue at the canteen or you will waste your morning tea break waiting in the queue!" I soon realised this was good advice - the first three days I was last in the queue! I felt so out of place that first day. I give thanks for the worker who kindly offered me a place at their table to share morning tea - my first taste of belonging in the Fletcher Jones family. Mavis Cooper