"I remember another special day when Fletcher Jones organised the opportunity for all workers to hear the running of the Melbourne Cup.  He had the cabinet radio from his office moved to the top of the stairs and arranged for our afternoon tea break to co-incide with the running of the race.  Workers gathered in the canteen at the foot of the stairs and heard the race on FJs radio. We didn't miss out.  It was before television and it was very special because it demonstrated to us that Fletcher Jones considered us workers valued and important."  Mavis Cooper

"FJ got a TV so staff could watch the landing on the moon in the canteen.  All us girls were frightened that they would crash through the moon when they landed!"  Dianne Rae

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16 year old Susan and 14 year old Dianne Rae at Fletcher's 1961. Photo: Shared by Dianne Rae
16 year old Susan and 14 year old Dianne Rae at Fletcher's 1961. Photo: Shared by Dianne Rae