It’s a dream come true to have an owner who sees heritage and community as positives rather than obstacles. Julie Eagles 

This timeline tells stories of the significant events leading up to, during and following the community campaign to save the FJ Pleasant Hill site from demolition by neglect. The FJ Stories Project grew out of this community-led campaign.   It has all been a little bit magical for those of us involved! 

The Save the Silver Ball and Fletcher's Gardens campaign attracted the attention of a sympathetic new owner, Dean Montgomery, who purchased the Warrnambool Fletcher Jones site in May 2014.  Since then, the site is slowly but surely being brought back to life - a huge task -  as it was in such a run-down state.  We've been told it was classified as being so derelict that demolition was the next option.     

The FJ Stories Project grew from recognition that 'heritage' is not just a physical place; it is very much about the stories and memories shared by a community about that place.   FJs - the site, the man and the business had a significant cultural, social and economic impact on the lives of a lot of individuals & families and it also had a broader positive impact at the district, state and national level. And so it was fitting that, once the site was secure and in the process of renovation, we should turn our attention to documenting the stories of why FJs is so important to us in Warrnambool.   

Through the campaign and stories project, we built new connections between individuals and community groups in our community; as well as with the extended family of Sir Fletcher Jones; with the owner and the manager (Dean Montgomery and Troy Kelly) of the FJ site; and with people near and far who worked for, or had a connection to Fletcher Jones, the man, the business and the Pleasant Hill site.  The FJ Stories Project has worked alongside the restoration works taking place on site at Pleasant Hill.  The  partnership between our community and Dean Montgomery and Troy Kelly has been inspirational, joyous, respectful and fun.  Truly all a little bit magical.